Age: 125
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wow! i know bollywood copies our music on an hourly basis, but movies too?! granted, we copy their movies too (sometimes), but the almighty bollywood copy's our's?!?!?! i had no idea!! interesting.
where do u get this info YDAKH?!?!?! you're good man! u seem 2 know a lot!
Age: 125
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thats great news!! i will watch ANY pakistani movie if it comes to theatres in canada!! if pehla phela pyar comes here in january, i'll be the first in line! lol. and if larki punjaban comes here and more new movies from PK....i'll be extremely proud and i'll go to nearly every one to support them!
Age: 125
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says u tracker bhai. judging by the trailors and the press conference which was held in lahore recently...this movie is FAR from pathetic, THANKS to saima. if it will be pathetic, it'll be cause of the hero.
Age: 125
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i think you're somewhat wrong teen bhai. sayed noor is a smart businessman. he's the only one who has started up a production company with which he'll work exclusively. we need more of this.
and common ustaadjee...chooriyan was NO accident. mendhi wale hath was NO accident. same with daku rani, buddah gujjar, and a host of others. love him or hate him, he's a credit to the pakistan film industry. sure he makes mistakes, but he's a positve to lollywood. not a negative. same with saima. be realistic. they know what they're doing!
Age: 125
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lol. tracker sahib, i've answered you a million times (whats so special about saima).
u notice how u all have based you decision on PURE looks??? cute?! nice body??!! THATS the difference between you guys and me! i'm taking acting into consideration too! as a matter of fact its tops on my list! cause thats what these people do...ACT!! none better than saima at that.
Age: 125
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teen sahib: i already told you! saima looks more original...she's unique. she looks more traditional. i prefer pujnjabi movies over urdu ones, and she's the only with the the guts and ability to act in them. thats why saima, in my opinion, is better than amna hussain and others.
saieen: ....yeeeeeeah. no! lol.
mr. nice guy: yeh lollywood ka discussion forum hai! you can't talk abt lollywood unless you talk abt saima! she IS lollywood! lol. thats y she's in most topics!
Age: 125
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very dood point umair16. i agree. toronto is the single most multicultural city in the world and as a result we have a firm pakistani community! if we had lollywood movies, i really think not only would we watch them, but punjabi people (sikhs) would watch too! so lollywood should go international! but $$$ is the problem....
Age: 125
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low blow people...that's a low blow! what if by fluke, saima stumbles upon this post while surfign the internet??!!!! can u imagine how bad she, or anyone else would feel, that u guys want her chuk-ed! LOL. especially after she put lollywood back on the map with chooriyan!??! shame....just a shame! lol.
Age: 125
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oh man. u guys just despise saima don't u?!!! (j/k). u hate anything associated with the lady (sayed noor, her new movie, her weight....etc.)lol. unfortunate....these two r the single most talented people in lollywood, bar none. thats the way i see it!
Age: 125
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bhaisaab, vo ITHNEE bhi nahee old! she can still pull it off. the hero just ruins things. if it was shaan in his place, it would not look that bad. kyunke vo ithna young hai, he makes saima look that much older!
dekein...aap sub movie deknay ke baad yeh buree cheezen kein! first lets see how the movie does, and see how saima's acting is! then judge!
phir bhee..u're somewhat right...the pair at first glance looks awkward! i can admit that. lol.
Age: 125
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umair16, i think you're right. the quality is getting better and better, and more directors are following suit. to add to YDAKH's list, the vetran sayed noor is coming out with larki punjaban as well. if u're in the UK, that movie should be getting alot ot attention! its print and topic should be interesting. and laaj looks amazing too. same with phela phela pyar. all good-looking movies.
Age: 125
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lol. tough choice saieen. but i think i'll pass! even if you vote for saima now, u can trash her afterwards, and that would leave me handcuffed, and i would not be able to reply, according to your shart! so i'm going to pass! i can't stop discussing saima, especially since her new movie is about to release! obvisouly i'm going to talk abt her! thanks but no thanks! nice of u 2 offer tho! lol.
Age: 125
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all joking aside teen sahib, they are both one in the same. plus keep in mind madhuri is exclusive to urdu movies, while saima caters to the urdu speaking public, AS WELL AS us PUNJABI speaking public! so she's versatile! she gets the slight, slight edage in my opinion! lol.
Age: 125
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teen bhai, what do u mean, what did i say?! i say saima looks okay in the movie! forget about age! the couple looks odd, but the movie should do good nonetheless. people said the same about moammar/saima, and then came chooriyan, and the rest is history! i hope the same for larki punjaban.
Age: 125
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lol. tracker sahib, what can i say?! i'm unique. everyone looks one way, and i look the other! you guys pick zara (pakistani jennifer conelly, lol) and i pick veena malik! u guys also pick zara for your favorite actress, and i pick....well u know who! thats my view and i'm stickin' to it! lol.
Age: 125
7992 days old here
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Canada, Canada
lol. add this one to the list-o-saima-rumors (she has a daughter)!
aur aapko saima/moammar ki joree achee nahin lagtee?! how come?! they have countless hits together. she does look older than him, yes. but again its a winning pair, and hopefully this new pair is the same (shamyl/saima). but i agree with you that shamyl/saima is VERY weird. i put the blame on the guy tho. he's ugly, and the couple looks like day and night, saima being day and the guy being night. lol. very odd. but i hope the movie does good, for lollywood's sake.